Fox Sports

● By Staff

Accuracy: 6.97%813th Place
What, you thought we were going to wait for the offseason? Who has that kind of time when the NFL season has ended for 18 of the league's 32 clubs, all of whom will soon be searching for the next crop of contributors? Not these two reporters, that's for sure. See, that's how it goes. There's Football Season, and there's Draft Season — and while it might still be the former for 14 worthy teams, it is decidedly the latter for everyone else. Obviously, there are levels to this. The final draft order will be revealed in the coming weeks, and there's a lot more to be learned about this class in the next few months. For the purposes of this mock draft, we want to keep it nice and basic. There will be no trades this early in the process, just picks.

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 31 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.