● By Will Brinson

Accuracy: 12.02%381st Place
Everyone loves to hate mock drafts. I could do the best one possible, in my mind, and still get PEPPERED with comments telling me how freaking terrible it is. Oftentimes I will get picks dead-on correct in my final mock and between it being published and the actual draft happening as I predicted, I'll be told how stupid I am for said correct pick. So, in the spirit of letting everyone call me stupid, I'm going full-blown troll and providing you the worst possible mock draft you will ever see. Yes, that's right: I'm making TERRIBLE PICKS. And lest you think this is an outrageous exercise, let's remember the Raiders once took JaMarcus Russell with the first overall pick in a draft that featured Calvin Johnson and Joe Thomas, two can't-miss prospects who are now Hall of Famers. Jake Locker and Blaine Gabbert were drafted right in front of J.J. Watt (and Locker was taken in front of Tyron Smith too).

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 31 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.