What’s more fun, the first two rounds of the NFL playoffs or the first two nights of the NFL Draft? Let’s take that one step further: What’s more fun, the NFL regular season or the weeks leading up to the NFL Draft, weeks during which we get to read or create millions upon millions of mock drafts? If you’re, say, a Carolina Panthers fan, you’d probably gravitate toward the draft stuff, because the NFL Draft equals hope. And there are about 20 franchises that could use all the hope they can get. Are there any players in the Class of 2025 who could fulfill that hope? Any franchise-changers? Any needle-movers? We’ll give that one a big, fat maybe. There aren’t any obvious top picks — Peyton Manning, Orlando Pace, that kind of thing — but there are plenty of quality options who could be of service. Maybe they won’t single-handedly lift a franchise from 3-14 to 9-7, but they’ll help nonetheless.